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Another commenter said the victimized mother , ms. feng , was " the most pampered pregnant woman in the town 's history . "
One commenter on a new scientist article admitted that this is exactly what happens , and it is only when he sometimes awakens from his sleep state that he is shocked to find what he is in the middle of doing .
Economic information daily cited a commenter called hqiu09251 , who said that chen didn 't simply make a mistake but committed a crime and so shouldn 't be given any government post .
As a commenter on a conservative christian blog noted recently , complaining about a map of the best states for women that used access to abortion as one of the criteria , " no thought was given to the fact that many women are not for and would not want easy access to abortion . "
You 'll need a commenter account to participate , then you 're ready to roll .
One commenter used the french approach as an example .
One commenter wrote . " This pathology did not exist in the past because we did not label it . "
" Does the clear trend not have more to do with the evolving and growing audience of google searchers more than the subject of the search itself ? " One commenter put forward .