
columnists 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Columnists in the populist press grumbled that morocco was losing its islamic identity .
- 平民论媒体里的专栏作家也抱怨,摩洛哥正在丧失其伊斯兰的特有身份。
- News columnists alternative underground media breaking .
- 新闻专栏作家替代地下媒体打破。
- One of its columnists reminds readers that 2007 is a special anniversary : 100 years ago , newfoundland was granted dominion status by britain .
- 其中有篇专栏文章提醒读者2007年是一个特殊的周年纪念日:100年前,纽芬兰从英国获得了自治领地位。
- Opposition politicians , newspaper columnists and a disaffected former foreign minister are beginning to find their voice .
- 反对派政客、报纸专栏作者和不满的前外交部长开始讲话。
- And one popular hypothesis is that this cause , too , is fashion-but among doctors rather than columnists .
- 时下流行的假设依然是“时尚”不过更多的是在医生之间而不是专栏作家。
- But the bill was widely derided by bloggers and columnists and quickly dropped .
- 但是草案被博客和专栏作家广泛嘲弄,而迅速消失。
- First it 's the columnists taking potshots .
- 先是专栏作家受到迫害。
- No one elects newspaper columnists either .
- 也没有人选举报纸专栏作家发表意见。
- Many of his strongest supporters-liberal columnists , prominent donors , democratic party stalwarts-have started to question him .
- 他的许多坚定支持者----自由派专栏作家,重要的捐助者们,民主党的忠实拥护者们,已经开始对他表示怀疑。
- Female columnists were forever receiving misogynistic correspondence , I was told , and I should do what they did : delete it and not dwell on it .
- 他告诉我,女性专栏作家永远都会收到歧视女性者的来信,而我应该像她们那样:删掉它、不再去想。