Police in india spray unruly crowds with coloured water : stained and sodden agitators are easier to identify .
They could also be used in other coloured substances , such as ink , cosmetics and textiles .
Views of the government are coloured by views of the president , he says , even though the president has little control over education .
The hider robot randomly selected a hiding location from the three location choices and moved toward that location , knocking down coloured markers along the way .
The national association for the advancement of coloured people , for instance , has complained that the authorities neglected the case because mr martin was black .
When you opened the brightly coloured envelope , usually adorned with a happy kid playing with a balloon on a beach , it felt like you were opening a present .
This involves adding a layer of coloured filters above the black-and-white capsules , so that they can change colour .
Although coloured lights and electric currents did not take off , they were probably experimented with .
Even so each flower still needs to be individually assembled tied and glued round a coloured nightlight .
Then we took to the hills for a couple of hours , occasionally stopping to chat to a nomadic shepherd or indian visitors being taken for a trot on horses adorned with coloured ribbons .