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n.协作者,合作者,勾结者( collaborator的名词复数 )

collaborators 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Other collaborators have a broader reach .
Writeboard is a useful word processing tool for multiple collaborators and writing teams .
Collaborators on this study included researchers from wellesley college and cornell university .
The justice ministry said security forces have arrested thousands of what it says are hooligans , criminals , saboteurs and al qaeda collaborators .
Rumours of a round-up of collaborators with israel , including a hamas member of parliament , keep gazans edgily in check .
The remaining jedi will be hunted down and defeated ! Any collaborators will suffer the same fate .
The plain truth is that only a force of such magnitude can crush the japanese imperialists and the traitors and collaborators .
The insurgents use a network of spies , double agents , collaborators and informers - anything to undercut coalition forces and the effort to build a credible and effective afghan government capable of delivering security and services .
For some people , assange and his collaborators are heroes fighting for total freedom of information and against any form of censorship . But for others they are traitors .
" You have to view them in the context of the time , " said jon parmenter , assistant professor of history at cornell university , who contends that today many native americans are too quick to denigrate these women as collaborators .