
v.把(法律)编成法典( codify的现在分词 )
codifying 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Codifying the way people shop based on gender seems in some ways to woefully miss the point .
- 基于性别来改变人们购物的方式在某种程度上似乎没有找准重点。
- Between you and me , codifying these ideas is partly my way of staying on top of them , too !
- 你和我,将这些想法整理成文字在某种程度上是我克服它们的一种手段。
- Although the benefits of capturing tacit knowledge and codifying explicit knowledge are obvious to organizations , they are often fairly vague at the level of the individual knowledge worker .
- 虽然捕捉隐性知识和编辑显性知识的好处对于企业组织来讲是显而易见的,但是这个定义往往对于个人知识工作者这个层次面来说是相当模糊的。
- Moses 's greatest legacy was probably expounding the doctrine of monotheism , which was not widely accepted at the time , codifying it in jewish religion with the 1st commandment , and punishing polytheists .
- 摩西最大的遗产很可能就是解释一神论的教条,并把它编入犹太宗教的第一条律法里面,惩罚多神教徒,而这在当时是不被广泛接受的。
- So when sonny perdue , georgia 's governor , signed an ambitious and comprehensive transport bill that was three years in the making into law on june 2nd , he did so not by bridging those divisions but by codifying them .
- 所以当乔治亚州州长桑尼.柏杜签署了一项雄心勃勃的综合交通法案,这项法案用了三年时间于6月2日制定成法律,他做这些并不是连接各部而是编纂他们。
- He began codifying a system of self-betterment , and set up an office near the corner of la brea and sunset , where he tested his techniques on the actors , directors , and writers he encountered .
- 他开始编撰一套自我增值的方法,在拉布雷亚和森塞特交界的地方建立了一个办公室,在那儿的演员、导演和作家们身上试验他的技术。
- Most often , generating value from such assets involves codifying what employees , partners and customers know , and sharing that information among employees , departments and even with other companies in an effort to devise best practices .
- 在许多情况下,从其知识资产获得价值是对组织已知的雇员、合作人及顾客进行信息编码(codifying),并且将这些信息与雇员、各部门甚至其他的公司分享以设计出最好的方案。
- A few problems need to be considered while codifying civil law of our country .
- 我国民法法典化需考虑的几个问题。
- The chamber 's views on codifying the requirements to disclose price-sensitive information .
- 商会对拟将披露股价敏感资料的规定纳入法例之意见。
- The article explores and illustrates an approach to applying information technologies to leverage scarce expertise without codifying or transferring knowledge .
- 本文探讨和说明了一个运用信息技术来发挥稀有的专门知识的杠杆作用而无需编写成册或转移知识的一种方法。