

n.海岸警卫队( coastguard的名词复数 );海岸警卫队队员

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Earlier this month two mexican reporters said they were beaten up in custody by greek coastguards after filming outside the restricted security zone of the athens port of piraeus .
British coastguards speculated later that the routine communication from the arctic sea could have been made either by the hijackers or a crew member speaking under duress .
The arctic sea was known to have made contact with dover coastguards on 28 july , but , at that point there had been no alert over the attack so there was no hunt for the ship .
A similar twin-track policy for somali piracy would mean first putting money and effort into training coastguards , and constructing courts and prisons in the region .
All 18 people on a helicopter which ditched in the north sea last night were saved in a dramatic rescue that coastguards have compared to the " miracle on the hudson " in new york last month .
Japan 's parliament is also working on a bill that would allow japanese coastguards to inspect north korean cargo ships in international waters .
Coastguards found a deserted boat while patrolling along the coast .
At 37 , I left the coastguards and decided to try my luck by writing .
The wrecked ship was firing flares to attract the attention of the coastguards .