
n.有纸夹的笔记板,剪贴板( clipboard的名词复数 )
clipboards 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A middle-aged white couple with clipboards could not look more out of place in this predominantly black neighborhood .
- 在黑人居民占大多数的地方,没有什么比拿着宣传板的中年白人夫妇更格格不入的了。
- I 'm not sure how this is measured : maybe a few psychologists were forced to eat their clipboards .
- 我不知道这种影响是如何衡量的:或许一些心理学家被迫吃掉了他们的笔记板。
- Clipboard recorder records your clipboard . It provides multiple clipboards .
- 剪贴板录音机记录你的剪贴板。它提供多重剪贴板。
- 8 / 17 Occasionally their efforts paid off , and scientists were on hand with stopwatches and clipboards to record the occasion .
- 8/17偶尔,保育员的努力没有白费,而科学家则随时待命,用秒表和写字板记录下大熊猫的交配情况。