

vt.& vi.(使)发出叮当声
clink 变化形式
复数: clinks
第三人称单数: clinks
过去式: clinked
过去分词: clinked
现在分词: clinking
易混淆的单词: Clink

clink 叮当声
clink 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The king cursed the courtiers and clapped them quickly into clink for taking prescriptions from a quack doctor .
- 国王责骂廷臣们从一个江湖那里开药方,并且立即把他们关进了监狱。
- Mavens say one need not clink glasses with everyone present when participating in toasts among large assemblies .
- 礼节上在现在当一个人参加一个大聚会时不需要和每个人碰杯。
- But as I continued to think about what was going on I heard the clink of the changing room doorknob turning .
- 但是当我继续思考什么是在我去听到更衣室转门把手碰杯。
- Everyone always said joe would end up in the clink .
- 人人都说乔总有一天要坐牢。
- I could hear the clink of cutlery .
- 我能听到刀叉的玎声。
- Don 't clink the keys in your pocket .
- 别让你口袋中的钥匙丁当乱响。
- Spent the night in the clink .
- 在监牢里呆了一夜。
- You have to look in my eyes when you clink glasses .
- 干杯的时候得看着我的眼睛。
- As the fool think , so the bell clink .
- 傻子只消想,钟声自会响。
- Love is the wine , you clink your glass , under my moonlight dating .
- 爱,是杯酒,碰了你的杯,在我月光的约会。