Despite the cleverness of its frugal engineering , tata motors has not yet cracked frugal marketing .
As an adult , I realized he was also very lucky , because cleverness alone cannot keep you safe .
Don 't boast of your own cleverness by telling readers that you correctly predicted something or that you have a scoop .
" The social network " is a great film not because of its dazzling style or visual cleverness , but because it is splendidly well-made .
Your " survival " in your job may depend on your flexibility , cleverness , and creativity .
However , another question about size and cleverness has yet to be resolved . Are big companies the best catalysts of innovation , or are small ones better ?
As mentioned below , there is no way to halt dissemination of the contents ; pen and paper will defeat any digital cleverness .
Though in a spine-tingling tribute to evolution 's cleverness , the first digital designs of the bones surrounding the sinus cavity actually bore a striking resemblance to an uninjured human skull .
A vulture in this picture has shown its cleverness and speed as a fisherman came with a container full of fishes . You definitely do not get to see this every day .
Loosely translated as " cleverness squared , " kenken was invented by a teacher who wanted students to enjoy practicing math .