

clerking 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- While working various clerking jobs , barack met a woman named kezia and married her .
- 在从事不同的职员工作的时候,巴拉克遇到了一个女人叫克孜阿并结了婚。
- But still I had to work hard upstairs in the workshop for the clerking took but little time .
- 然而,由于这职员工作只占一小点时间,我仍要在楼上的工作间里辛苦地劳作。
- Debbie has a summer job clerking in an office .
- 戴比夏天在办公室里当职员。
- She was also studying law ; we studied together , passed our exams together , and began our clerking together .
- 她也在学习法律;我们一起学习,一起通过考试,一起开始我们的办事员生涯。
- He was promoted from a clerking job to a managerial position .
- 他由职员晋升为经理。
- I married while I was still clerking .
- 我还是在做办事员的时候就离了婚。
- By the time she was twelve , she was clerking after school in a small variety store .
- 她才十二岁,放了学后,就到一家杂货店当店员。
- He has been clerking for almost a year and now is looking for a new job .
- 他做职员已经快一年了,现在正在找一份新工作。