Ignatius gives in abundance practical illustrations of what clement sets forth in principle .
It has all the benefits of any caribbean island - warm sea , soft sand , clement weather - without many of the downsides - high prices and hurricanes .
Since the well is 40 miles offshore and the weather has been relatively clement , there has been time to test dispersal techniques and prepare coastal defences .
Clement attlee wanted to nationalize british industry after world war ii ; barack obama certainly wants to avoid nationalization of either banks or car companies .
Linux mint , a distribution based on ubuntu , was first launched in 2006 by clement lefebvre , a french-born it specialist living and working in ireland .
Nancy comes from st louis , missouri , a hot , steamy state , while donald is a native of boston , massachusetts , which enjoys a more clement climate .
In that instance , mr clement overturned a decision to block globalive from doing business by the canadian radio-television and telecommunications commission , the national regulator .