There is a citywide competition at the end of the term .
Yeah . I have citywide readings of them all .
Their plans included expansion to a citywide network by the end of last year .
When our daughter nicole was a junior in high school she started a citywide prayer ministry called sacred edge .
These rooms will be part of an active museum-hosting lectures , musical performances and citywide cultural events .
The first stop that night was a party for the designers viktor & rolfat saks fifth avenue for the citywide fashion 's night out event .
Similarly , in shelters in louisiana and texas you heard the suspicion that the " higher powers " of new orleans wanted to employ a policy of citywide gentrification through natural disaster , that a mass exile of poor african-americans was " the silver-lining scenario . "
When the mafia-owned bar that offered a safe place for gay men and lesbians to drink and dance was shut down as part of a citywide crackdown on homosexual life , greenwich village erupted into several days of unrest .