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- Given citi 's history with similar negotiations , the situation warrants attention .
- 由于花旗过去也有过类似的安排,这样的状况值得关注。
- The troubled assets have continued to drag down citi 's earnings .
- 这些不良资产还在继续拖累花旗的业绩。
- Nevertheless , the year before parsons took over citi lost $ 27.7 billion .
- 不过,想想在帕森斯接掌前的一年,花旗集团亏损277亿美元,因此,这方面还是要向帕森斯竖起大拇指。
- It 's time to really shake things up , if citi is going to succeed .
- 花旗集团要想成功,确实应该进行大刀阔斧的整顿。
- Citi then needed $ 45 billion in infusions from the government .
- 最后,花旗集团不得不求助政府,提供450亿美元的注资。
- That title may belong to citi .
- 这个名号或许应该属于花旗。
- Why citi understated its rate matters .
- 花旗为什么要低报利率,理解这一点很重要。
- Wells and citi also declined to comment .
- 富国银行和花旗集团也拒绝发表评论。
- Citigroup has committed $ 41 million to the system , in exchange for branding it " citi bike . "
- 花旗集团承诺在系统中注资4,100万美元,条件是将系统命名为“花旗自行车”(CitiBike)。
- Expanding overseas has been a goal for citi , the most internationally focused of the u.s. 's large banks .
- 花旗银行是美国大银行中最注重国际化的银行,海外扩张是它一贯的目标。