chilies 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Squash-bloom soup comes with toasted almonds , poblano chilies and turmeric cream .
- 南瓜花汤搭配着烤杏仁、普韦布洛辣椒和姜黄奶油。
- Some experts argue that we like chilies because they are good for us .
- 有些专家认为我们喜爱辣椒是因为它对人类有益。
- When the chilies start growing , take off the bag .
- 当辣椒开始生长时取下塑料袋。
- A flood effected farmer dry chilies crop to earn his living in hyderabad , pakistan on sept. 23 .
- 洪水影响农民作物的干辣椒,巴基斯坦海得拉巴9月23日,以赚取自己的生活。
- Asian chilis ( chilies are western , chilis are eastern ) rank significantly higher on the scoville scale than the chilies available at your local greengrocer .
- 亚洲红辣椒(辣椒是西方,红辣椒是东区)排名上明显比辣椒在当地的蔬菜水果店里提供斯科维尔规模较高。
- These neurotoxins were found to activate the same receptor on sensory nerves that produces the burning sensation animals get from capsaicin , the " hot " ingredient in chilies .
- 研究发现,这些毒素与辣椒素(辣椒呈现红色的成分)动物产生灼痛感一样,都是刺激感觉神经上相同的感受器。
- Interesting fact : chilies are extremely high in vitamin c. one green chili pod is said to contain about 6 times as much vitamin c.
- 小贴士:红辣椒特别富含维生素c,而在一个绿色辣椒荚里据说维c的含量有其六倍之多。
- Rising food prices are a pan-asian issue : inflation has recently surged in indonesia ( chilies ) , india ( onions ) , and south korea ( cabbage and now beef as a result of foot-and-mouth disease ) .
- 食品价格上升是整个亚洲的问题:通货膨胀已经蔓延到印度尼西亚(辣椒),印度(洋葱),韩国(白菜和目前因为口蹄疫问题而价格飙升的牛肉)。
- Here , the breeze is cool and crops like rice , cabbage , beans and the all-important chilies grow in abundance . ( The minangnese are known for their spicy , sumptuous cuisine . )
- 这里,微风凉爽宜人,遍地都是稻子、白菜、豆类等庄稼,还有不可或缺的红辣椒(米南卡保人以辛辣丰盛的菜肴闻名。)
- Chilies both warm the body and induce acooling sweat , so mapo dofu is adish made-to-order for chengdu 's perennially humid climate , with its bone-chilling winters and oppressively muggy summers .
- 辣椒即可温暖身板,又可以让人赶汗,而成都的冬天寒冷刺骨,夏天又闷热无比,因此麻婆豆腐是非常适合成都常年潮湿气候的一道美食。