chides 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- As clinton chides americans to support occupation , gates insists their opinions don 't count anyhow .
- 正当克林顿责骂美国人以支持占领,盖茨坚持要求他们的意见无论如何不会计算。
- When the auctioneer gently chides him , he loudly changes his bid : " twelve hundred ! "
- 当拍卖商轻声指责他的时候他又大声地重新叫价:“两千美元!”
- Within his framework for development , he chides india for its slighting of primary education -- a decision resulting in illiteracy rates of nearly 50 percent , and even higher among women .
- 在其发展理论框架中,他厉声斥责印度对小学教育之轻忽-----此种决策,导致印度文盲率近于50%,而妇女文盲率更高。
- Mr darling chides a previous tory chancellor , ken clarke , for failing to raise interest rates before the 1997 election in defiance of prevailing economic wisdom .
- 达林先生指责前保守党财政大臣肯恩克拉克在1997年大选前未能提高利率,违反了通行的经济智慧。
- Yet the behaviour for which mr hiro chides it is shaped not just by its own interests but also by a vision of universal human rights that took root , though he does not acknowledge it , after the genocide in rwanda .
- 而且,希罗所斥责的美国行为不能仅仅归因于美国自身利益驱使,还应该是继卢旺达种族大屠杀之后普遍人权的愿景生根发芽所使然,不过希罗并不承认这一点。
- This school with its false depth , all on the surface , which dissects effects without going back to first causes , chides from its height of a demi-science , the agitation of the public square .
- 这个学派,貌似精深,实是浅薄,它只细查效果,不问起因,从一种半科学的高度它责骂公共广场上的骚动。
- He chides educators for failing to look outside the sector for fresh ideas and approaches .
- 他责骂未能部门外寻找新的想法和方法的教育工作者。
- Jesus doesn 't immediately answer the question , but chides him now .
- 耶稣没有即回答他的问题,却斥责他。
- He gently chides his students every time they misspelled a word .
- 每当他的学生拼错一个词时,他都温和地责备他们。