I 'm told I 'm an old fogie and don 't understand that young people don 't use checkbooks anymore .
Most people never study the subject . They go to work , get their paycheck , balance their checkbooks , and that 's it . On top of that , they wonder why they have money problems .
Although some of the incidents include cyber fraud , there are still plenty of cases where physical theft , including lost and stolen wallets and checkbooks , is a factor .
Often they had no checkbooks and had brought only enough cash to pay the previous cost of the tags , so they had to drive all the way back home , get more cash out of the family stash , and come back .
This doesn 't mean they 're flashing around their checkbooks , but that they are smart and savvy buyers with money to spend on products , services - and companies .
Someday soon , facebook users may pay their utility bills , balance their checkbooks , and transfer money at the same time they upload vacation photos to the site for friends to see .