If you pull out your checkbook , which is a demand deposit , it will be accepted as money .
The checkbook stubs don 't tally with my bank statement .
The interest is printed on your monthly statement so you 'll know to add it into your checkbook yourself .
She imagines her wet driver 's license , her sodden checkbook , the photographs of her children , the card from chloe , all destroyed by the water from a vase .
The unpaid bills , with more looming in the future , had placed a vise around our checkbook .
Despite countless brainstorming sessions and meetings on the subject , the only application the honeywell team could think of for a home computer ( aside from the perennial checkbook balancing ) was recipe card management .
The obama administration now is controlling bp 's checkbook and resources in the gulf as the two sides respond to the disaster , from use of oil-busting dispersants and the language of announcements .
The man who steals your checkbook and signs your name to one of the checks has committed the offense of forgery , for which he may be penalized by fine and imprisonment .
She took out her checkbook and began to scribble a check .