chants 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I enjoy listening to monastic chants .
- 我喜欢听修道院的圣歌.
- The same ayatollahs who each year mark a holiday by leading chants of " death to america " are not going to be talked out of their pursuit of nuclear weapons .
- 每年都唱着美国去死的圣歌来纪念节日的阿亚图拉,和不打算讲出他们对核武器追求的人是同一个。
- This is a welcome departure from mr putin 's thuggish talk and the mindless anti-caucasian chants often heard from nationalist youths in moscow .
- 这个声明已经脱离了普京的暗杀的言论和能在莫斯科听到的民族主义青年无知的反高加索的口号,这是我们愿意看到的。
- They are waiting to see how people in the streets respond to particular signs and chants , a rough yet innovative way of testing popular feeling .
- 他们在等着看街上的人们对特殊的标志和圣歌持何种反应,标志和圣歌是一项检验受欢迎度的简易而又创新性的方法。
- The priest chants before gilded altars .
- 神父在镀金的祭坛前吟唱。
- Songs & chants of teaching aids .
- 歌曲韵文教学与教具运用。
- Who can make your own chants ?
- 谁能自己编说唱?
- Be able to repeat the simple chants and songs .
- 能够重复简单的歌曲和童谣。
- As game time approached , colombia lined up in the tunnel and began to do its pregame chants .
- 随着比赛时间的临近,哥伦比亚队队员在赛场上一字排开,开始在赛前高唱国歌。
- Tahrir square , the nerve centre of the 18-day revolt , erupted in frenzied chants of " he gave up ! He gave up ! "
- 在18天大规模抗议活动的神经中枢开罗解放广场,人们兴奋地高喊着“他放弃了!他放弃了!”