Financial incentives favour taking a government job , not a committee chairmanship .
He told the economist recently that the purpose of seeking the party chairmanship was to ensure closer co-operation between the party and the executive branch .
All the prospective candidates were told the bank was looking for an executive vice-chairman as a staging post to the chairmanship , say people familiar with the matter .
A nike spokeswoman said she wouldn 't comment on whether nike had asked mr. armstrong to step aside from his chairmanship after the u.s. anti-doping agency last week detailed the allegations against him .
But mr prince 's departure and mr rubin 's elevation to the chairmanship , with sir win bischoff , former head of the merchant bank schroders as interim chief executive , has brought some criticism .
But the government seems to see the osce chairmanship as an international public-relations exercise rather than a way of boosting democracy .
France , which assumes the chairmanship of the g20 after the seoul summit , thinks the world can do better .
If the chairmanship of the board is going spare , most chief executives will grab it .
Parties agreed that a meeting of relevant working group under the russian chairmanship will be held in moscow in february 2009 for further consideration of the above mentioned draft .
For behind the scenes , under the energetic chairmanship of south korea , the g20 has notched up a few notable accomplishments in recent weeks .