A certifier has taken reasonable steps to verify the copyright status of this work .
A second notice was sent in september , but it wasn 't until feb. 4 that the certifier finally told the agriculture department that the company should lose its ability to use the organic label .
Certification format : certifier 's signature should be placed on the first page of the copy document and the number of pages should be recorded .
Please list the corrective actions defined by yourselves , or imposed by the certifier last year , and explain , to which extent they have been fulfilled .
Please list the corrective actions defined by yourselves , or imposed by the certifier last year , and explain , to which extent they have been implemented .
Authentification of documents by a suitable certifier ( for each applicant )
How to guarantee the precision of field certifier .
Biohazard cabinetry class ii cabinet certification field certifier accreditation .
If any original requested document is not presented , copy of such document is required to be certified as true copy of the original by a suitable certifier such as a practicing lawyer or a practicing accountant .