In fact , part of the cerebrum is still named in honor of long-forgotten whores .
Stripping the cerebrum of this protective layer allows the brain to be sliced more evenly .
The cerebrum is the largest part of our brain and is largely made up of the two cerebral hemispheres .
The second largest part of the brain is the cerebellum , which sits beneath the back of the cerebrum .
The most obvious anatomical feature of our brains is the undulating surface of the cerebrum - the deep clefts are known as sulci and its folds are gyri .
Pronounced asymmetry between right and left brain hemispheres is a hallmark of humans , because our cerebrum has become specialized , with the left side more involved in language .
The cerebrum has two halves , or hemispheres .
The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain , accounting for 85 percent of the organ 's weight .
Only 4 micrometers thick , the probe can conform closely to the folds that extend deep inside the cerebrum .
Whereas animals such as elephants , dolphins , and whales have larger brains , humans have the most developed cerebrum .