

n.<古>佳肴,美食( cate的名词复数 )

cates 变化形式

易混淆的单词: Cates

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Suddenly cates manner was almost affable .
Using a composite index of technology penetration and innovation ( including , for instance , computers and mobile phones per head ) , mr cates finds a strong link between the rate of increase in an economy 's technological progress and its productivity growth .
I 'm saying sloan cates was right .
Kelly cates , dalglish 's daughter , is former sky sports presenter .
" First , you speak the same language as these other companies , making it easier to find a possible position with them , " says dr. cates .
By 1992 , 340000 women had acquired certifi cates of peasant technicians .
According to dr. cates , most people approach career change a little starry-eyed and don 't consider the fact that companies hire you for what you 've done in the past and what you can do for them in the future .
An analysis of the nih report by willard cates , president of family health international , notes that the report did not say that condoms do not work against stds other than hiv , only that there is less data because these diseases have not been as extensively studied .
Cates concludes : " deliberate attempts to characterize the evidence as demonstrating the ' ineffectiveness of condoms ' constitute a misunderstanding of what the report states . Moreover , such misrepresentation can undermine the public 's confidence in condoms , thereby leading to nonuse and to further spread of stis and hiv . "
In case of any force majeure or emergency such as natural disasters and key epidemic situations , liabilities may , upon verifi cation , be exempted wholly or partly ; however , it shall be notifi ed to the other party in time and effective certifi cates shall be provided within a reasonable time .