
v.把…归类,把…列作( categorize的现在分词 )
categorizing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Comparison of models and indicators for categorizing soft wheat fields according to their grain protein contents .
- 根据籽粒蛋白质含量划分软质小麦适播区指标和模型的比较。
- Please don 't make the mistake of categorizing networking opportunities by status , position , or other superficial metrics .
- 不要仅仅看到身份、地位和表面的东西而把人分类,这是错误的。
- Botanists had some difficulty categorizing the newly found plant .
- 植物学家们不大容易确定这种新发现的植物的种类。
- Categorizing is another means of organization .
- 分类编组是另一种方法。
- Categorizing word is helpful to remember .
- 将单词分类有利于记忆。
- Research on advance payment of medical cost by categorizing cases .
- 按病种定额预付医疗费用的研究。
- But surely categorizing pregnancy as a disease equivalent is a value decision disguised as science .
- 但是把怀孕等同为疾病,难道不是假装成科学的道德判断吗?
- Categorizing the systems development methods as empirical is critical to the effective management of the systems development process .
- 将系统开发过程划归为经验的对于对系统开发过程进行有效的管理是关键的。
- Choose whether the category assistant includes this area when automatically categorizing content .
- 选择在对内容进行自动分类时“分类助手”是否包括此区域。
- Categorizing translation breeds some fuzziness since the field has traits in common with both science and art .
- 品种分类,翻译领域的一些模糊性,因为有共同的特点都与科学和艺术。