Two streams careened from mountains aimlessly driven like all lovers searching basin and rill hurrying but hardly giving the other a thought .
The accident happened monday evening as the bus was traveling along a rural highway outside the city of xuzhou in the province 's north . Chinese news reports said the bus careened off the road after swerving to avoid a pedicab .
When your heart to do good , active to sure right side , you also will be more and more good . When your heart to evil , to oneself malignant indulge it , you will careened generally , to the abyss of eternity .
The rocking chair , of course , began to rock and spin and bounce and shake . It tumbled and rolled and flipped and flopped , trembled and shimmied and looped and careened . The devil was certainly getting a wild ride .
In the past , france 's competitiveness issue never careened into disaster because it could always devalue its currency .
The muddy road careened the truck .
The country has careened from one crisis to another .
I had always assumed that the reason a squirrel had a big bushy tail was that as they careened through the space between branches they used it to wave around and keep from tumbling out of control .