He spoke with the calmness of a man used to disaster .
I hear that the foreign media has been reporting with amazement the calmness and moral behavior of the japanese faced with the disaster .
The reason this saying is so important is because it teaches two things that are essential to your life , calmness and compassion .
Mr obama 's combination of calmness and humility could well help america deal with a country whose national pride is dangerously spiked with a sense of inferiority .
You feel unable to stop the flow of thoughts and emotions that prevent clear thinking , calmness or self-control .
If we believe that every part of the process can be beautiful and joyful , we will feel a sense of calmness and peace .
The neurotransmitter serotonin , for example , is thought to produce feelings of calmness , relaxation , and contentment .
When the world starts coming on too strong , taking a few moments to refresh your memory of the small joys in your life can bring a calmness , centering , and contentment back to your day .
Achievement and calmness follow each other says mr martin . Disruptive behaviour is " usually about fear " , triggered when children ( especially boys ) do not know how to do something .
Fernand wiped away the perspiration steaming from his brow , and slowly entered the arbor , whose shade seemed to restore somewhat of calmness to his senses , and whose coolness somewhat of refreshment to his exhausted body .