

calender 变化形式
复数: calenders
第三人称单数: calenders
过去式: calendered
过去分词: calendered
现在分词: calendering

calender 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- When you cross the line , you change your calender one full day , backward or forward .
- 当你穿过这条线的时候,就把你的日历向前或向后改变一整天。
- Today is my birthday in the lunar calender .
- 今天是偶滴阴历生日呢。
- The lunar calender in use in ancient rome ; replaced by the julian calendar in .
- 古罗马用的阴历,于公元前年被儒略历(公历)取代。
- We want to buy photo album , diary , calender , note boks .
- 我们要采购相簿,日记,砑光机。
- A feature , such as an advertisement or calender , inserted as a centerfold .
- 插页特写作为特大折叠插叶用的一份特写,如广告或日历。
- Ramadan is actually the name of ninth month of islamic calender .
- 拉马丹其实是伊斯兰日历中第九个月份的名字。
- It always confuses me of the fiscal year and the calender year .
- 我总是分不清财政年度和日历年度。
- A syrian ecclesiastical calender of an early date confirms the above .
- 叙利亚教会日历早日印证了上述问题。
- If you can see their calender , heck , use that an schedule 30 minutes at some point later in the day .
- 如果你能看到他们的日历,在当天晚些时候用用那30分钟的日程表。
- If we had written it down on the calender , we wouldn 't have nade this mistake .
- 如果我们把它写在日历上,我们就不会犯这个错误.