With stores closed and food scarce , human survivors start regarding the zoo as an exotically stocked butcher 's shop .
Cairo , egypt : a butcher cuts meat in a market photograph : muhammed muheisen / ap
Before becoming a chef , saito had spent 10 years working as a butcher in kobe and he 's one of the few tokyo chefs licensed to bid on kobe cows at auction .
As saito pointed out , the skill of the butcher consists in the ability to highlight the differences in the meat 's textures and the skill of the chef lies in showing them off at their best .
If I had a leg of lamb for every time I heard a woman tell me that she has given up red meat to cut down her fat and " be healthy " , I could open a butcher 's shop .
Butcher goes to lawyer 's office and asks , " if a dog running unleashed steals a piece of meat from my store , do I have a right to demand payment for the meat from the dog 's owner ? "