
busking 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Peel street is the main busking strip and the heart of the festival .
- 卑利街是主要的街头艺术地带以及乡村音乐节的中心。
- Learn about the regulations and laws about busking in the area you want to perform before you start strumming your guitar .
- 在你开始随意演奏吉他之前,要先搞清你想要表演的场所对街头表演有什么法律规定。
- Do you want to be busking ?
- 你想试街头卖艺吗?
- Bilingual time : darren , tell us about your busking experience .
- 《双语时代》:戴润,跟我们说说你的街头艺人经历吧。
- My plan was to make the money I needed to get-by , by busking .
- 我打算通过街头表演来赚足我需要的旅行费。
- Busking is a fun activity for the performer .
- 街头表演对于街头艺人来说是一项有乐趣的活动。
- He started his career busking outside underground stations .
- 他从在地铁站口卖艺开始他的职业生涯。
- Darren , tell us about your busking experience .
- 戴润,跟我们说说你的街头艺人经历吧。
- This spring a musician friend sent me a link to a video of a man busking by a kerb in botswana .
- 今年春天我的一位音乐家朋友给我发了一个视频链接,里面是一个坐在博茨瓦纳街头卖艺的男子。