Use the bulleted list style to display only the name of each item , preceded by a bullet character .
Providing step-by-step instructions which are numbered , bulleted , or have check boxes .
The bulleted list at the top of the page evolves into a tree of status information as the analysis is completed .
Tweak your resume to have a bulleted list of accomplishments and career summary
Under apply as you type , select the automatic bulleted lists check box and the automatic numbered lists check box .
Each chapter includes two sections titled minimum standards and best practices respectively . These sections summarize the main recommendations of the chapter in bulleted form .
Under apply as you type , select or clear the automatic bulleted lists check box or the automatic numbered lists check box .
If you want to create a bulleted list , you can click the bulleted or numbered list button on the toolbar and then click more . For step-by-step instructions , press f1 now .
If you want to create a numbered or alphabetical list , you can click the bulleted or numbered list button on the toolbar and then click more . For step-by-step instructions , press f1 now .