For a few minutes I forgot whatever I 'd been worrying about and breathed a little deeper .
I made up other stories of saving people ; the kind old priest collapsing on the far side of the school paddock with a heart attack . I ran over to him and breathed air into his mouth until he woke spluttering and full of wonder that I had saved his life .
He opened the front door and breathed deeply the cool air of the morning . Like every day , he read the graffiti on the facade of his house : " the mule drivers ask you to elect caius julius polybius as duovir . " He smiled .
I 'm not sure I breathed during the next several minutes .
I breathed in the smells of my childhood : the jasmine and the barbecues .
The marriage of the two breathed life into the art and created a modern-day social object which emanates the hope of the community and the love they have for the brand .
I breathed in the maritime air - a pungent mix of gasoline and ripe river smells - and checked my watch .