

n.破坏( breach的名词复数 );破裂;缺口;违背
v.攻破( breach的第三人称单数 );破坏,违反

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Mistakes by users are estimated to be responsible for as many as 60 % of breaches of computer security .
He found it quite simple that certain breaches of the written law should be followed by eternal suffering , and he accepted , as the process of xivilization , social damnation .
The judges upheld the complaint , ruling that using statistics about differing life expectancies or road-accident records between the sexes to calculate car and health insurance and pension schemes breaches e.u. rules on equality .
Although there had as yet been " no major " protectionist breaches , mr lamy warned that the only way to revive global trade was " to keep trade open " .
Government officials say some of the low-level safety breaches may be justified , given that tepco is on a war footing and that its top priority is to stabilise the reactors .
The source said the report warned that these officials may havecommitted " grave breaches " of the geneva conventions and may have violated theu . S. torture act which congress passed in 1994 .
The bank will probably not raise official interest rates until inflation breaches 3 % , but that could be as soon as february .
Look at brazil 's measures of 2000 , including the threat of jail for breaches of fiscal rules .
Its privacy policy1 , I am afraid to say , is incoherent , unclear , and likely lead to breaches of data protection legislation .
Case in point : epsilon 's and now sony 's ( sne ) data breaches .