There was beef , shrimp , cod fish rolls , lotus and other vegetables , and transparent vermicelli noodles . More unusual specialities included pig kidneys , brains , eyeballs , duck bowels and cow stomach .
Or imagine a fantastic , database-driven application that , for some reason or other , is never used because it 's buried deep within the bowels of the site 's information architecture .
Of the 71 patients , 41 were told they could have surgery to repair their bowels , while the rest were told that there was nothing more they could do .
The " men without bowels " should be allowed to continue their dread work .
I saw yellow-white explosions in my gut , and it seemed as if magma seeped through my bowels .
What exactly is happening in the bowels of the american mortgage market ?
Example : are we walking around in a daydream or are we thinking deeply with our minds , right down into our heart , our genitals , our bowels , our very tissues .