He never noticed this from maggie which is clearly bothersome because it nagged at his conscience .
Aircraft noise is particularly bothersome here since we 're close to hcathrow airport .
When canada 's prime minister , stephen harper , prorogued parliament in december for more than two months , to avoid some bothersome debates , he said this was so his minority conservative government could " recalibrate " its policies .
But for egypt , which fought three wars against israel to assert ownership rights that go back to pharaonic times , this prized province has lately proved bothersome .
" It 's just misleading when the headlines in the paper are nothing close to what I said . It 's bothersome , " torre said .
Foreigners are made to feel a lot more welcome these days . In fact , the walled town appears to be inhabited only by tourists and souvenir sellers , while guards sit outside the four gateways , seemingly to keep the locals from coming in and being bothersome .