英音  ['bɒɪləz]    
美音 ['bɒɪləz]    


n.锅炉,烧水器,水壶( boiler的名词复数 )

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About half of those are residents of public-housing projects in which wind-driven sand and water knocked out infrastructure such as boilers and electrical systems .
Do you sell coffee boilers ?
I don 't want to be around when it hits the boilers .
These short stories were written as pot boilers to get him out of debt .
I 've no time to go to the concert with you . The office has been swamped with complaints about the electric boilers .
The kitchen was spick and span : the cook said you could see yourself in the big copper boilers .
Stadium boilers very high volume , high output , automatic fill boilers can supply 70 litres into cups in 15 minutes , ideal for football stadiums and similar very busy locations .
In " your home in a changing climate " , a report from the greater london authority , homeowners are advised simply to reposition important things such as meters , boilers , electrical points and paperwork above flood level .
In america , the assumption is that , if recycled at all , reprocessed effluent is used strictly for irrigating golf courses , parks and highway embankments , or for providing feedwater for industrial boilers and cooling at power stations .
The european union and us suggested cutting to zero the trade tariffs on a range of goods such as solar panels and solar-driven boilers and concluding a wider agreement on environmental goods and services .