This way you will achieve a blurry eyesight and it will soon change to another type of sight which will show you the aura .
Usually people start seeing blurry shapes and colours of grey , white , purple and indigo before the actual sight of the third eye chakra .
A couple of girls sunbathing on a lawn isn 't exactly spectacular , but it 's better than the blurry picture of the semi-naked babe on a truck .
The digital camera was unable to cope with the brightness of the main streak and turned it into a thick blurry line .
Unfortunately , conflicting definitions of nanotechnology and blurry distinctions between significantly different fields have complicated the effort to understand those differences and to develop sensible , effective policy for each .
I know that when I interact with a blogger or a celebrity of any kind , I am interacting with a blurry , half-constructed version of a person , with only what I 've read or seen to base the interactions on .
In the blurry clip , mr romney told a group of rich donors that " palestinians have no interest whatsoever in establishing peace " ( has he ever met any ? )