blok 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Blok is a world-famous russian poet in the 20th century . He is a master of both russian classic poetry and realistic poetry .
- 勃洛克是20世纪享誉世界的俄国诗人,他既是俄国古典诗歌艺术的集大成者,又是现代主义诗歌的一代宗师。
- Blok is offering masks with pig prints and mustachioed maws on her san francisco based web site , irinablok.com .
- blok正在她的位于旧金山的网站irinablok.com上出售印制着猪和长胡子的胃的口罩。
- Not like the theory of knowledge in the european symbolism , russian symbolism especially its second generation represents like blok , influenced by the philosophy of the orthodox eastern church , has the character of ontology .
- 与欧洲象征派的认识论特征不同,俄国的象征主义尤其是第二代的代表人物勃洛克、别雷、维伊万诺夫等深受索洛维约夫和东正教思想的影响,更具有本体论的性质。