

bloc 变化形式
复数: blocs
易混淆的单词: BLOC


bloc 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Union members are not a monolithic bloc , nor are they single-issue voters .
- 工会成员们不是完全统一的集团,也不是单一问题的选民。
- On average only around 25 % of asean 's exports and imports are within the bloc .
- 东盟的进出口平均只有大约25%是在联盟范围内进行。
- British businesses , however , are far from united while groups critical of the bloc have received significant financing from business figures .
- 但是英国工商界远非团结一致,同时批评联盟的团体们已从工商界知名人士得到大量的资助。
- The 27-member bloc is trying to work out whether new legislation is required to facilitate the digitisation of european culture .
- 这个27国联盟正在考虑,是否需要出台规范欧洲文化数字化的新立法。
- How did a wall street buzzword coined by goldman sachs become a powerful new bloc in world affairs ?
- 高盛公司杜撰出来的华尔街新词是怎样在国际事务上成为一个强大集团的呢?
- But that voting bloc is shrinking while emerging democratic constituencies are projected to grow in size and voting strength .
- 但是这个选民集团的力量不断萎缩,而新兴民主党选民的规模和投票实力预期将不断壮大。
- Soviet russia had carved out a trading bloc of communist states in eastern europe which limited reliance on the west .
- 苏俄在东欧构建了一个社会主义国家贸易集团,其减少了对西方国家的依赖。
- As the largest former eastern bloc country , its clear view may also have an impact on others in the region .
- 作为前东欧集团最大的成员,该国的态度无疑会影响同一地区的其他国家。
- Despite the worries about eu solidarity , the 27-nation bloc 's new members remain committed to enhancing their integration .
- 尽管这些27国集团的新成员对欧盟的团结感到担忧,但他们仍然致力于增进欧盟的一体化。
- A " trans-pacific partnership " with vital asian countries could help head off an asian trade bloc .
- 与亚洲重要国家达成“跨太平洋合作关系”,可能有助于阻止形成一个亚洲贸易集团。