

birds 变化形式
易混淆的单词: BirdsBIRDS
birds 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- People and birds are similar in many ways .
- 人类和鸟类在很多方面很相似。
- The modern calls carry more weight with the birds too .
- 现代的通讯方式也对鸟类造成了影响。
- The starling is now one of america 's commonest birds .
- 现在这种八哥已是美国最常见的鸟类。
- Score one for the birds .
- 该为鸟类记上一分了。
- Cranes are large birds with long legs and necks .
- 鹤是一种腿和颈都很长的大型鸟类。
- Fish , birds and whales are gorging on them .
- 鱼类,鸟类和鲸贪婪地捕食着他们。
- Together , they kill around 480 million birds every year .
- 它们每年猎杀的鸟类总计约4.8亿只。
- Dark testicles might protect birds from mutation , scientists find .
- 科学家们发现,深色的睾丸可能保护鸟类免受变异的伤害。
- But birds have an extra cone for seeing violet and ultraviolet light .
- 但是鸟类有一种特殊的圆锥细胞来看紫罗兰和紫外线。
- Other birds would probably be similarly affected , he said .
- 他说,其他的鸟类也可能受到类似的影响。