

biologist 变化形式
复数: biologists

biologist 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The answer may lie in the research by an anthropologist and evolutionary biologist robin dunbar .
- 这个问题或许可以在人类学家和进化生物学家robindunbar的研究中找到答案。
- He later became a cell biologist . He earned many honors for his research .
- 后来他成为了一名细胞生物学家,在研究上获得了许多荣誉。
- Biologist brenda winkel helped develop a dna-targeting compound to attach to the trigger .
- 生物学家布伦达温克尔帮助制定了一个以dna为目标的化合物附加到触发器上。
- These results echo earlier research by dr debruine 's thesis adviser , evolutionary biologist bobbi low .
- 这些结果呼应了进化生物学家波比洛先前的研究,波比是德布鲁恩博士的论文导师。
- The answer is yes , according to at least one evolutionary biologist , robin dunbar .
- 答案是肯定的,至少有一位进化生物学家这么认为,那就是robindunbar。
- Szostak 's endeavor is very different from another artificial life project led by biologist and entrepreneur j. craig venter .
- 由生物学家和企业家克雷格文特尔领导的另一个人工生命项目与绍斯塔克的探索大有不同。
- Mr dawkins , a british biologist , has especially encouraged people to declare their disbelief .
- 道金斯先生是一位英国生物学家,他尤其鼓励人们说出自己不信仰宗教的事实。
- Andrew 's half-brothers werebrave new worldauthor aldous and evolutionary biologist julian huxley .
- 安德鲁的同父异母的兄弟有《美丽新世界》的作者奥尔德斯和进化生物学家朱利安赫胥黎。
- But one of the unsuccessful bidders was richard dawkins , the biologist and outspoken opponent of religion .
- 但是一位失败的投标者是理查德.道金斯,一位生物学家和直言不讳的宗教反对者。
- I think most stem cell biologist will agree that both gurdon and yamanaka deserve the nobel prize for their discoveries .
- 由于戈登和山中的发现,我想大多数干细胞生物学家都会同意诺贝尔奖是他们所应得的。