Perhaps one of the other problems besetting management writers is the difficulty they have , if they are being honest , in making confident claims about how businesses function in practice , and how and why they succeed or fail .
The cost and delivery problems currently besetting airbus , the european commercial aircraft consortium , and its principal owner , the european aeronautic defense and space company , provide another example of the conservative versus liberal stance in europe that contrasts with u.s. practice .
This is an extreme example of two problems besetting efforts to help sex workers .
So far , such protests are the most tangible evidence of the troubles besetting icelandic society .
Another of the accord 's purposes was to provide a way for the world to move beyond the besetting problem of the kyoto protocol .
More specifically , he repeated a call he first uttered last year - namely that businesses and investors stop funding politicians , unless the politicians pledge to break the poisonous gridlock that is now besetting washington .