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- The foreign ministry estimates that 120000 norwegians served as peacekeepers between 1947 and 2008 , and norwegians wearing the un 's blue berets can today be found in sudan , congo and afghanistan .
- 据外交部估计,在1947年和2008年间,12万名挪威人服役于维和部队,如今,在苏丹,刚果和阿富汗,可以看到头戴联合国蓝色贝雷帽的挪威人的身影。
- Those insurgents reported killed or captured in the past year by jsoc and other special-operations forces , such as army green berets and marine commandos , include some 1500 insurgent leaders , officials say .
- 官员们说,过去一年,据报告被jsoc和陆军绿色贝雷帽(greenberets)、海军突击队等其他特种作战部队打死或活捉的叛乱分子当中,大约1500人是叛乱分子头目。
- But as the iraq war wound down , and the obama administration shifted the military 's focus , delta force units and additional army green berets were reassigned to afghanistan .
- 但随着伊拉克战争平息以及奥巴马政府转移在军事上的重点,三角洲特种部队以及陆军绿色贝雷帽特种部队被改派阿富汗。
- Even more humiliating for the green berets of the markets , the new force in finance is the government .
- 而对于市场上那些绿色贝雷帽更为蒙羞的是,金融业的新势力竟然是政府。
- Earlier president musharraf reviewed the guard of honor marching slowly in front of a line of soldiers wearing green berets and red sashes .
- 早些时候,穆沙拉夫总统检阅了一队仪仗队,这支仪仗队从身着绿色贝雷帽和红色腰带的士兵前缓缓走过。
- As " long " " as " at home against the mafia , the vikings against the samurai , the green berets against spetznaz maori against the shaolin monks , william wallace against the summer .
- 如龙主场迎战黑手党,维京主场迎战武士,绿色贝雷帽主场迎战斯皮特纳斯,毛利人主场迎战少林武僧,威廉华莱士主场迎战夏卡祖鲁和忍者。
- Green berets organize , assist and train the military and national defense forces of foreign nations .
- 特种部队组织并帮助训练外国的军队和国防部队。
- Courage peak from the green berets .
- 来自绿色贝雷帽的勇气鼓励着他们。