英音  ['bi:ɪŋz]    
美音 ['bi:ɪŋz]    


n.人;生物( being的名词复数 );存在;思想感情;身心

beings 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

This remarkable change at a planetary scale - orchestrated by unicellular beings - did something else that allowed complex life to thrive on earth 's surface .
And again , our notions of individuals as economic beings have been overturned .
Because we want to see ourselves as rational beings , we find reasons to maintain that our beliefs are accurate .
Every thought is an intention so however you think about the other beings in your reality is what you 'll eventually manifest for them .
But we humans are the only beings who have developed a sophisticated spoken language .
When I regained consciousness on board , I encountered some definitely non-human entities and also some beings that resembled humans to a high degree .
It 's only a very small sutta , which said that there are other world systems with other suns , other planets , and other beings on them .
The answer : the sun is so faint at the edges of the solar system that any beings that evolved closer in would feel the need to supplement natural light by a lot , even at high noon .
No bird nor fish nor other animal could ever have lived on this earth , if the plants hadn 't come first and fitted it for the dwelling place of a higher order of beings .
Here and there , inflation ends and gives rise to a slower expansion , and perhaps the formation of matter , light , galaxies , stars , and beings like us .