Bask in near-perfect weather , steps from the silken sand .
Executives may bask in germany 's status as europe 's economic engine but ordinary germans are still ambivalent .
To get around this , snakes will often " bask " on warm rocks ; and they also seek hot places to help aid in their digestion .
There was nowhere comfortable to sit but it was a chance to bask in the sun smoke and get some distance from the noisy chatter of the gang even if it was only 20 yards .
Every day the grumbling out to bask in the sun , the mood is not calcium .
Be grateful for and bask in the fact that you are unique and take time to learn what makes others unique .
After his apprenticeship he worked for joe manton , the greatest gunsmith in england and a legend in his own lifetime . But james was not content to bask in anyone 's reflected glory .