In fact the situation is more baffling than that , because national insurance contributions are payable at various rates on wages , but not on income from other sources .
Each of which carries a different strategic calculation for israel , but from where we sit , the symbolic targeting of government buildings is as baffling as the decision to fight homemade rockets with bombs dropped from f-16s .
Other prehistorians have speculated that alcohol intoxication may have been one of the baffling phenomena , like storms , dreams , and death , that propelled early societies toward organized religion .
Many other jobs are allotted through a baffling system of regional quotas .
If I were a shareholder faced with so many boring , baffling pages that seek to excuse the inexcusable , I might be inclined to submit out of sheer weariness .
What is arguably most significant and baffling is that the overall relationship between the price of government bonds and equity markets appears to be defying historical precedent , since both asset classes have recently rallied sharply .