

n.<伊斯兰>阿亚图拉( ayatollah的名词复数 )

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Once damned by westerners as a mentor to hostage-takers and suicide-bombers , he was viewed by his own flock as the most open-minded of ayatollahs .
One group of mid-ranking clerics has blasted the election as a fraud , and at least four of the 19 grand ayatollahs who bestride iran 's shia hierarchy are said to agree .
Arab democrats would challenge iran 's ayatollahs .
Grand ayatollahs are not supposed to be poets .
That would enable the un security council to impose a fourth lot of economic sanctions - " crippling " ones this time-that would force the ayatollahs to comply with their nuclear obligations .
Had the helicopters crashed or been shot down , the world would now have been drawing parallels with the former president jimmy carter 's abortive attempt to rescue the us hostages from the ayatollahs in iran .
So far as the ayatollahs were concerned , the real enemy was america , the " great satan " , whose love of liberty and free market capitalism was thought to pose the gravest threat to the islamic revolution 's survival .
Though ayatollahs are well versed in subtle distinctions , I am not quite sure how to interpret this apparent rift between the greater and lesser satans .
The same ayatollahs who each year mark a holiday by leading chants of " death to america " are not going to be talked out of their pursuit of nuclear weapons .
The ruling ayatollahs must be feeling nervous .