
v.有用于,有益于,有助于( avail的现在分词 )

availing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- If you are availing secured car loan from the financial market , you will never face any financial problem .
- 如果您是利用汽车贷款担保的金融市场,你将永远不会遇到任何财政问题。
- So , when availing greater loan , put property like home , which always has big equity , as collateral .
- 所以,当援用更大的贷款,把家里的财产一样,它总是有很大的股票,作为抵押。
- Availing themselves of their own position to seek for or accept bribery or accept commissions or service charges under various titles in violation of state regulations .
- 利用职务上的便利,索取、收受贿赂或者违反国家规定收受各种名义的回扣、手续费。
- By availing this opportunity , I would like to briefly introduce the situation in jinhua .
- 借此机会,我简要介绍一下金华的情况。
- No individual may have great power without availing himself of the " master mind . "
- 没有为自己组织起智囊团的人,没法拥有重大的力量。
- Customers who switch over to crm online before june 30 , 2011 will receive an incentive of up to $ 200 per user , which can be used for availing services such as migrating data or customizing the solution .
- 客户在2011年6月30日前切换到crmonline将收到高达200美元援助,可用于购买支援服务,例如数据迁移或定制的解决方案。
- The company will be base in hainan , availing itself of the advantaged nature recourses of hainan to forge a leading tropical fruits and vegetables enterprise , promoting the " added value " of products to strive for more market share .
- 公司将立足海南,利用得天独厚的环境资源优势,大力打造热带果菜龙头产业,不断提高农产品的“附加值”,争取更大的市场份额。
- The party availing itself of set-off shall notify the other party . The notice becomes effective when it reaches the other party . Set-off may not be subject to any condition or time limit .
- 当事人主张抵销的,应当通知对方。通知自到达对方时生效。抵销不得附条件或者附期限。
- We should run training courses of various kinds , military and political colleges and revolutionary institutes for the intellectuals and educate and remould them while availing ourselves of their services .
- 对知识分子,要办各种训练班,办军政大学、革命大学,要使用他们,同时对他们进行教育和改造。
- They want to be convenient in purchasing and availing products and services , either online or offline .
- 他们希望在购买和利用的产品和服务,在网上或离线方便。