Dr. anderson , how he started to call himself " the auteur " .
Chen is more involved with the internet than many assume as he is stereotyped as a highbrow auteur .
Two years ago , the technology blogger john gruber presented a talk , " the auteur theory of design , " at the macworld expo .
A director in particular may consider him ( her ) self the auteur , and make numerous changes to reflect his / her " vision . "
And that 's a world that , while clearly a product of an auteur 's idiosyncratic impulses , meets viewers at precisely that liminal state between dream and reality where movies work best .
This haughtiness , though , may be tinged with the sting of betrayal : the pre 's auteur is jon rubinstein , who was a top apple executive before becoming palm 's ceo .
This year 's cannes is packed full of auteur films and while loach was confounding some people 's expectations , another director was living up to his form as one of the most controversial and provocative directors in europe .
Directors believe in the auteur theory but not many actors do .
You know what an auteur film is ?
Although he has undertaken more commercial assignments like murderer and love in disguise , the focus in let the wind carry me is largely on lee 's work with the aforementioned auteur filmmakers .