
[ˈɛrɪən, ˈær-]


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- To no one 's surprise , the nazis also liked lenard 's ideas . He was appointed hitler 's chief of aryan physics , whatever the hell that means .
- 毫无意外,纳粹非常喜欢lenard的观点,他被任命为希特勒的首席雅利安物理学家,至于这到底意味着什么就随他便了。
- We want you to go to the aryan side to smuggle weapons .
- 我们想让你到亚里安那里去偷武器。
- His violent hatred of the jews as the racial enemies of all aryans , the subtle corrupters of pure aryan states .
- 极端仇视犹太人,认为他们是所有雅利安人的敌人,是雅利安纯净之国潜移默化的腐蚀者。
- What are you trying to say mr aryan ?
- 你到底想说什么aryan先生?
- We think aryan brotherhood , but we don 't know for sure .
- 我们猜是亚利安兄弟帮,但是不能确定。
- Today , everything is back to normal mr. aryan .
- 今天,一切都恢复了正常,aryan先生。
- Nationalist movements , nazis , aryan nations .
- 民族主义者、纳粹、反犹太国家。
- It 's all about making everyone look white and aryan .
- 把所有人都改造成白人和雅利安人。
- The bulgarians also are a turkish people , but they have acquired an aryan speech .
- 保加利亚人也是一个土耳其民族,不过他们学到的是雅利安语。
- The bride and groom-to-be swore they were " of complete aryan descent " and had " no hereditary disease to exclude their marriage . "
- 新娘和新郎宣誓他们是“纯亚利安人种”,“没有不能结婚的遗传病。”