The outrage was predictable from a party that has frequently positioned itself as a moral arbiter for all malaysians .
Moreover , the commission must remain a fair arbiter between governments of the left and of the right .
The socratic figure who took america to school on race and history in philadelphia in 2008 is now the arbiter of a " kill list " a phrase that probably says more than any other about the great falling-off in the president 's moral authority .
Brazil has suggested the international monetary fund as arbiter , but the imf would never get involved in that fight .
And who will be the neutral arbiter when nations clash over conflicting bilateral agreements ?
Some countries see an arbiter role for themselves .
The army , however , is hardly a neutral arbiter .
For years the un has clung to its reputation as a neutral arbiter , and managed to avoid becoming a militant target .
Is well-being about to take the place of gdp as the arbiter of economic health ?
The us has nationalised the core of its mortgage industry and the government has become the arbiter of which financial companies should survive or die .