This year 's outbreak is notable mainly for its scale , and the apprehension that future years will unleash equal havoc .
From this point onwards blake 's diary shows a mounting tide of insidious horror and nervous apprehension .
What a thing it is to be a ghost , cowering and shivering in an altered world , a prey to apprehension and despair !
Diabetic children that enter the san raffaele hospital in milan , italy , are often full of apprehension about their disease , their diet and the possibility of giving themselves injections .
It all happened so fast and without the slightest apprehension .
The learned trial judge had an interest in the disposition of the case , which if disclosed , would have given rise to a reasonable apprehension of bias .
Palaniappan chidambaram , india 's new finance minister , made some reformist noises about removing " any apprehension or distrust " among foreign investors .